Biden Decides on Response to Jordan Attack, Links Iran to Weapons Supply

Biden’s Decision on Action

President Joe Biden shared on Tuesday that the United States has figured out how it will react to the recent drone attack in Jordan, where three American soldiers lost their lives. However, he didn’t go into specifics about what the response entails or when it will happen.

Iran’s Role and Biden’s Stance

Speaking to reporters outside the White House, Biden stated that he holds Iran somewhat responsible for the attack because they provided weapons to those who carried it out. Despite this, he made it clear that he’s not interested in a larger conflict in the Middle East, saying, “I don’t think we need a wider war in the Middle East. That’s not what I’m looking for.”

Anticipation Surrounding the Response

Biden’s comments were his first since news of the drone strike broke. The public is now waiting to see how the administration will respond, with expectations that it might unfold in the coming days.

Developments and Expectations

On Monday, Biden worked closely with his national security team to consider various options for responding to the attack. Kataib Hezbollah, an Iran-backed group in Iraq, declared a pause in its operations against the U.S. The Pentagon hinted that the drone attack had similarities to Kataib Hezbollah.

Biden personally spoke with the families of the three soldiers who lost their lives, offering condolences and support. Plans are in place for him to attend their dignified transfer at Dover Air Force Base on Friday, pending approval from all three families.

Details of the response options presented to Biden remain confidential. Possibilities include targeting Iranian personnel in Syria or Iraq and Iranian naval assets in the Persian Gulf. Despite the obligation to respond, the administration emphasizes caution to prevent further escalation in the already tense region.

Aklimson Phangcho

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