Stanley Seeks Sanity With New Tumbler Launch Plan

Stanley Seeks Sanity With New Tumbler Launch Plan

Signup System Aims to Thwart Scalpers, Bots, Stampedes

Iconic brand Stanley is trying a radically different approach to launching its latest trendy tumbler, implementing a signup system to curb chaos. Wild demand for Stanley’s cups frequently sparks website crashes, in-store stampedes, and bulk reselling by opportunists. The new method intends to ensure genuine fans have a fair shot.

24-Hour Pre-Order Period vies For Most Equitable Access

Instead of the typical first-come, mass click or camp model, Stanley opened a 24-hour pre-order sign-up window for its new limited-edition tumbler. The company used fraud detection and filters to validate each entry as a real prospective buyer, rather than a scalping bot.

Winners Chosen at Random, Notified Day After Signup Closes

Stanley then randomly selects buyers from the entries and informs them the next day. The aim is awarding the tumblers by chance among authentic fans rather than rewarding whoever overwhelms the site fastest or clears out retail shelves first.

E-Commerce Partner Brings Expertise Managing High-Demand Events

To create the system, Stanley partnered with e-commerce platform EQL, which has orchestrated launches for brands like Nike and Crocs. EQL CEO Andrew Lipp said its technology weeds out fake entries and suspicious signs like duplicated IP addresses.

Stanley’s extreme popularity with teens and its growing resale value frequently turns releases into frenzied, often disappointing melees for admirers. The pre-order model now tries restoring some access sanity instead.

Aklimson Phangcho

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