Gaganyaan: India names 4 astronauts for space flight

India has given out the names of four pilots from the Air Force who can be one of those who are going to be the first to travel into space on the country’s first spacecraft, which is set for next year. The mission, with Gaganyaan as the name, will take the crew of three astronauts into space for three days before bringing them back to Earth without any casualties.

The officers who will be deployed to serve the mission in space

Group Captain Prashanth Balakrishnan Nair, Group Captain Ajit Krishnan, Group Captain Angad Pratap, and Wing Commander Shubhanshu Shukla have undergone rigorous physical and psychological testing to ensure they are fit for the mission. After a very intense 13-month course in Russia, they are now back in India, attending the gym, swimming, and, yoga during their preparations.

The Gaganyaan Mission has become of great importance to the Indian space program as it is a landmark in Indian space exploration. Raising a budget of up to Rs. 90 billion, it is the first-ever Indian manned space flight program. In the event of success, the population of India will be able to count themselves among the record holders of space missions, like the Soviet Union, the US, and China.

This undertaking gives India a strong sense of its growing technological expertise and its ambitious future plans, which include the construction of the space station by 2035 and sending astronauts to the Moon by 2040.

Aklimson Phangcho

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